Sidmouth Primary Care Improvement Project Update

Thank you to everyone who has completed our Sidmouth Primary Care Improvement Project Survey.

We are enormously grateful for all your suggestions and comments including your concerns. We remain committed to planning high quality primary care services to support our population not only now but also services which are robust and innovative to deal with the future health care needs of our population and the future direction of the NHS.

We are extending the information gathering time period to ensure we hear everyone’s views and comments about the project. We’d really like to continue to hear your helpful suggestions.  The more feedback we can analyse and reflect on the better!

Our proposed development can be viewed here

How can you have your say ?

Email at:

Complete our short survey, click here to complete.

Alternatively a paper copy will be available from outside reception at Blackmore Health Centre or Beacon Medical Centre and can be returned to either facility or by post to: The Beacon Medical Centre Sedemuda Road Sidmouth Devon EX10 9YA

Given the COVID19 situation we would strongly encourage patients to use the online option if they can.