Menopause is a different experience for everyone, the menopause is when ovaries stop making oestrogen and one no longer experiences periods. However, before and after this, during the ‘perimenopause’ a variety of symptoms can be experienced.
These can include;
- Hot flushes
- Night sweats
- Mood swings
- Anxiousness
- Depression
- Poor sleep
- Muscle aches
- Weight gain
- Brain fog is a great website providing information about most medical conditions. It has some useful information about the menopause and it’s treatment.
In addition you might like to look at the following websites
- This website also has an app you can download and track your symptoms. This is especially helpful at assessing how much your menopause is affecting you and how useful your treatment is.
Some women are happy to manage their symptoms without treatment others find they benefit enormously from taking HRT or an alternative.
If after looking at these resources, you want to try HRT please book an appointment with one of our GPs. If this is a telephone appointment, please have you weight and blood pressure to hand.